Women’s 4F is a fellowship group where the four f’s stand for friends, fellowship, fatih, and fun.  Monthly events take place on the second Friday of the month, unless the event requires another time.  

Some events include movie night, craft night, game night, paint night, Bible baseball and tailgating party, theater outing, bonfire, escape room outing, ornament-making party, and Christmas party.

This is the 2024 schedule:

January 12 - Movie Night

February 10 - Youth for Christ Bowling Event

March 8 - Cabrini movie at Tinseltown

April 12 - Paint Night

May 10 - Finger Knitting

June 14 - Progressive Dinner

July 12 - Bead Craft

August 9 - Game Night

Septenber 13 - Pizza on the Farm

October 11 - Ceramic Painting

November 8 - Card-making Night

December 13 - Secret Sister Christmas Party