What to Expect


Every Sunday morning we gather in the presence of the Lord Jesus to greet each other, worship through song, and get spiritually feed through the Word of God. If you’re interested in joining us, here’s what you can expect:

  • You’ll be greeted at the door by ushers who will direct you and answer questions
  • At your seat in the sanctuary, you can read your bulletin or peruse the At a Glance brochure
  • If you want prayer from or communication with the ministry staff, fill out a communication card and put it in the offering bag
  • There’s a short general greeting time towards the beginning of the service
  •  We share communion on the first Sunday of the month.  The service is also  ASL-interpreted for the deaf
  • Childcare is available for infants throughout the whole morning; there are age-related classes for preschool through 5th grade which begins at the start of the sermon
  • There’s a refreshment table with abundant time for conversations after the service


Join us! We look forward to meeting you and worshipping God with you!